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Welsh Bapt..

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This is a work in progress.....

This site is an attempt to list the ministers of Nonconformist congregations in 'Glamorgan' and detail their various settlements up to 1939. The starting point is 1848 and it is hoped to go back to an earlier date in time. Earlier settlements, where known, are still listed.

The inspiration for the site came from a desire to provide more details for ministers on my original site www.Pillars-of-faith.com. I soon realised that in order to chart detail for just Rhondda ministers it would involve collecting information of a much wider scope. Hence settling on the entire 'County'.

And while such information was obtainable for most denominations, even 'Glamorgan' proved too small a sample for the Baptists. This has led, in turn, to a second list of Baptist ministers for the whole of 'Wales'. This list can be accessed directly from these pages.

For the purpose of the site 'Glamorgan' is not restriced to its county boundaries. In fact closer examination will reveal that some places in the county are not included whilst others not in the county are. And such places vary as per the denomination. The simple explanation for this is the initial basis of reference being the Associations and other official groupings according to the denominations. All such sources are detailed on the 'Sources' page for the site.

Detailed help of how to use the site, and the various abbreviations employed, olus access to the 'Search' function is available on the 'Help' page.

Extreme care has been taken to make the information available as accurate as possible. Even so total accuracy is not achievable and I welcome detail of any errors found or additional information. Just use one of the two available contact forms.

....Apart from the above, I shall be adding photographs of as many ministers I can find. Many more than there are at present.