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Glam. Ministers..

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Legal & Copyright Notice

As the creator of this site, I claim my intellectual property rights to its content.

If anyone wishes to make use of the information I would ask that they acknowldge the source simply as a thanks for the years it has taken me to compile it at a not insignificant cost.

I claim no copyright in any of the portrait photographs. The issue here is both straight forward and complicated in equal proportions. As I understand it, the original photographer, the creator of the photograph, owns the copyright for up to 70 years beyond his death. However, if the photographer sold the photograph to, say, a postcard publishing firm, then it is that firm that held the copyright.


The policy that I have adopted is that I have tried not to use any photograph taken later than 1939.


In any event, if anyone claims legal copyright in any photograph used in the site I would ask that they contact me so that the matter can be settled in an amicable manner.